Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I've come to terms with being a bad blogger. Instead of trying to catch up, here are some recent pictures of our very busy toddler!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I know I am really bad at this blog thing. It takes forever to upload the pictures, so I am going to upload several from the last few months and then maybe go be productive (amazing). Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Just in case you were wondering what a 10 month old looks like...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday, December 21, 2009

I guess...

I am not very good at this blogging thing. Especially when I have a crawler who likes to pull up on things and put anything and everything in her mouth. I will be sure to post after Christmas...this will have to do for now. :)

We had family pictures taken last month and here are a couple. One family shot and one with Ellie and her cousins, Zach and Ben. I love how Ellie's hand is on top of Ben's. They are so cute together!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

8 Months

I guess it has been a while.
Ellie is changing like crazy (and very mobile) these days. She is pulling up and army crawling and making all kinds of sounds. We even found her standing in her crib the other morning when she woke up. What a surprise!
She is waving and learning to clap. She is sitting in a high chair at restaurants and sits in her stroller like a big girl. She loves shopping and will go with me to Target or the grocery store. She still enjoys bath time and goes to sleep like a champ most nights. She is taking 2-3 naps during the day and sleeps 12 hours a night...couldn't ask for more! She moves her feet ALL THE TIME! You can tell how excited she is by how fast her feet are going around in a circle. She is starting to eat just a little bit of table food, but we will stick with formula and baby food for now. She loves sweet potatoes, but isn't so sure about peaches.
She loves her cousins, Zach and Ben SO much! She also loves watching videos of herself or looking at pictures (oh dear). She has quite the personality and I see a little more of it each day.

I will post pictures later - I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday, Ellie!"

Here is a little note from Ellie...
